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FAQs for RTC Programs

Is there an advisor at TCNJ that can assist me?

Yes. Alan Amtzis, PhD, serves as Advisor to all students in the MEd Instruction Program. He can be contacted at or 609-771-2586.

Is there any financial aid available?

No. Because of the unique partnership between TCNJ and RTC on this program, federal financial aid is not available.

Can I transfer courses from other institutions into this MEd program?

In certain cases, up to 6 credits (2 courses) may be transferred into the MEd Instruction program. All prospective transfer courses must be approved by the MEd Program Director, Alan Amtzis, PhD.

View full information regarding transfer course approval criteria.

How many courses can I take per semester?

TCNJ policy allows graduate students to take a maximum of 9 credits (3 courses) in the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Students who wish to register for 3 additional credits (a maximum of 12 credits) in one semester must contact the Program Director Alan Amtzis, PhD, at Students may not register for more than 12 credits in any semester.

What is the cost of tuition? Does the RTC program have different costs from other TCNJ graduate programs?

The MEd Program and all other RTC courses have their own tuition rate separate from the traditional TCNJ rate. For current rates, please visit the RTC website and click on “Courses & Schedules” then scroll down for tuition.

What kind of resources are available for accepted students?

Upon acceptance, students will receive a TCNJ username and password that will provide access to key services at TCNJ. This includes an e-mail account and access to TCNJ’s PAWS system where you may request free transcripts and apply for graduation. Students will access online library resources to support their degree programs.

How will I know if I have met the program requirements for graduation?

All students enrolled in the MEd program should monitor their progress by following the program plan. The program plan is included in orientation materials and is available on the RTC website.

Full details about satisfying the course requirements, applying for graduation, and attending commencement are available through the TCNJ’s Office of Records & Registration.

Program Advisor Alan Amtzis, PhD, may be contracted for specific questions at or 609-771-2586.

Is there an Orientation or Information Session for new and prospective students?

For Prospective Students: TCNJ’s Office of Graduate Studies holds several Open House events each year for students who are exploring graduate programs.

For Recently Accepted Students:  There is a 90-minute Orientation event that is scheduled by MEd Instruction Program Director, Alan Amtzis, PhD. Please contact him for more information at

Program Accreditation

The MEd Instruction Program is nationally accredited through the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). CAEP advances excellence in educator preparation through evidence-based accreditation that assures quality and supports continuous improvement to strengthen P-12 student learning. Additionally, The College of New Jersey is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

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