Students can choose from the following certificates or emphases:
TCNJ-Based Certificates
- Bilingual Endorsement Certificate
- Educational Leadership Certificate
- Environmental Sustainability Education Certificate
- Inclusive Literacy
- Integrative STEM Educational Methods Certificate*
- Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Teacher of Students with Disabilities
- Supervisor Certificate
- Teacher Leader Certificate
- Teachers of English as a Second Language Certificate
RTC-Based Certificates
- Brain-Based Teaching Certificate*
- Classroom Climate Certificate*
- Classroom Technology Certificate*
- The Differentiated Classroom Certificate*
The following certificates lead to eligibility for state endorsements:
- Bilingual Endorsement Certificate
- Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Teacher of Students with Disabilities
- Supervisor Certificate
- Teacher Leader Certificate
- Teachers of English as a Second Language Certificate
*Certificate can be completed online